Welcome to my new Warhammer Lizardmen Blog.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ok I swear just one more....

Ben haveing way too much fun in Photoshop,
and I wanted to see what my Voodoo scheme
would look like in real life... without ruining a mini.

Probaly somthing like this, I borrorwed the origional image from GW's Page and made a few alterations ;)
Too bad you cant see more of this body in this shot, or it would have looked a bit better,
and the metal color is a bit off it's suposed to be a dull bronze like the other image, oh well it's close enough.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Heres Some Saurus Schemes I Was Messing Around With in Photoshop.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ok you probaly figured it out by now...

This is intended to be my new Lizardman Paint Blog,
so there probaly won't be a whole lot of wrighting here
mostly I will just post a lot of prety pictures of my
expensive and time consuming hobby, ;)

Expect more pictures soon as I migrate over
some from the forums I usualy post in.